We are a community of travelers passionate about providing authentic experiences for the best possible value. In other words, we are here to help you create the memorable, tailor-made trip of your dreams. So, why choose us to curate your journey, you ask?
We Have Done It Before!
We have travelled numerous times to all of the destinations offered in our packages. Before we actually market something to our fellow wanderers, a meticulous process is undertaken. We travel to a country, we fall in love with it, we travel one more time, we confirm the love is real, we team up with the local destination management companies, and we create an itinerary. In the subsequent stages, you feel our passion about the country as you travel through our made-with-love itinerary. Although we have done it before, we continue doing it over and over again. We are constantly updating our packages to keep them fresh. Put us to the test and taste the travel vibe we are dispersing.
We Cherry Pick Our Destinations!
The current Tomflies.com team combined has traveled more than 100 countries of the world, yet we decide to offer only six destinations in our packages. We like to compare ourselves to a top-notch restaurant with a limited menu. The few items that are on the menu are perfectly seasoned, flavored, and delicious! Most importantly, everything is prepared and served to you with love. We will not settle for anything less than perfect when it comes to the organization and care we provide to our guests. We pride ourselves on our strong connections with local partners that will tend to your needs. When you travel with us, rest assured that you are getting the most authentic, boots-on-the-ground experience. We got you covered!
We Provide Active and Immersive Experiences!
If you travel with us, be prepared for a meaningful and packed itinerary. There is nothing wrong with lingering on the beach for days, spending most of your time in the hotel room, or eating in internationally renowned fast food restaurants, but that is not the way we roll. Our packages are carefully contemplated and crafted, and they enable you to truly cover all of the highlights of the destination you are visiting. We encourage you to experience the best sights, traditions, and activities, and to taste the local cuisine. This does not mean you will not have time for your own ventures, but the emphasis will be on activities and tours that will expand your horizons. We want to make you feel like a local, and ideally make you step out of your comfort zone. Since we specifically curate small group itineraries, you will create a bond with your fellow travelers. Expect to have an active, fun, and educational journey while teaming up with us!
We Only Cooperate with Licensed and Enthusiastic Local Guides!
You can book an activity or a tour in the best destination in the world, but if the guide is not on their A-game, everything goes to waste. We made it our mission to work exclusively with the best local guides that can truly and properly portray the destination you are visiting to provide you with the most authentic experiences. All of our local guides are licensed, educated, and enthusiastic. They will be your liaisons with a wealth of knowledge of the best-of-the-best in the area. They will give you an amazing overview of the destination that you are visiting and do their best to engage with you and answer all of your questions. We dare to say that most of them will become your friends as well. As every seasoned traveler knows, you can’t put a price on the know-how of a local guide.
Private Packages or Small Groups for Authentic Experiences!
Although our forte are private packages, we also do open booking tours. Our strong belief is that the future of tourism is small group travel. The days of big buses with 50 people wearing headphones are remnants of the past. Herds of people barely keeping up with their ‘umbrella guide’ is not our cup of tea. We are adamant about limiting our open booking groups to eight people. With each of our small groups we try to create a sense of camaraderie. Since our groups are subject to open booking, meaning anybody can join, we often have individuals that meet for the first time, hit it off, and continue traveling together on other trips afterward. In addition, this kind of intimate setting enables you to have personal attention from your guide. Both the Tomflies.com crew and our local guides always go above and beyond for our guests and stand at their disposal at all times.
We Organize Travel for the Best Possible Value!
Some people are under the assumption that the “best possible value” means the cheapest option. We disagree. Although we believe that travel should be budget friendly, we are also fully aware that for the best quality, you will need to pay accordingly. Taking these two factors into consideration, we always strive to create a package with carefully selected accommodations, transfers, activities, and guides to craft itineraries that align with our core values. This is something in which we never compromise. In our book of providing services, quality will always be considered over quantity in providing authentic experiences. Lastly, value should not only be scrutinized from a financial point-of-view. What differentiates us from others is our constant support and customer care. It starts during your booking process, advances while you are traveling, and is always present when you return from your trip.
We Can Hook You Up with a Flight!
The quotes you will see in our packages are only the land portion of the programs, per industry standard. That being said, we are happy to assist with flights as well. Unlike many other travel companies, we can actually find you an amazing deal when it comes to airfare. Our parent company, TomTours.com, has more than 30 years of experience in the flight industry with invaluable connections and discounted prices. The destinations that we offer are also ones in which we have the strongest flight connections. Let us bundle your land and air package portions and take care of everything. No hassle; just travel! Check out our Flights page.
Hopefully we have sparked your interest about our small groups for authentic experiences. Check out our Packages and Tours page for destinations that will further awaken your travel desires. Choose one of our packages and see firsthand how it looks in practice. Become one of our many satisfied travelers and let us make #YourWorldBetter.